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Below, somewhere between doubled quote marks split in two by the quote, you will find a complete quote of the copyrighted transcript of the first segment of this Movie, 3: The Manhattan Projector [2]. Since this first segment of the movie can actually already be seen for free, the author scratched his left earlobe and squinted and after a few glorious moments of IP vagueness, then gave permission for it to be posted here, confused by the fact that the term Intellectual Property is similar to the term IP address, like which they say is a local private address on every machine that is connected to the internet, but, whatever. Anyway, this text is copyrighted 2024 by David Blair, and reposted here with permission, as I already said, but of course when it comes to copy and all that you are legally required to say everything twice in case there is an error in reception or in case you have used the wrong address or something and your message goes to someone you don’t know, or didn’t know, or couldn’t know, or to some recent machine that is a strange brain and is only standing around here at the doorbell listening because it is on a misinformed quest to find it’s great grandparents, who are lost, time traveling through this movie.

If there are errors, that is because life does not known how to spell or to convert time into properly disambiguated punctuation. And also because of the spirals of time, which make it important for you to read and hear and see everything twice, so that you get the memo correctly. I don’t know who sent the memo, which has not yet arrived, but it is without doubt an abbreviated document or perhaps INVISIBLE MOVIE that somehow or other has pre-cognitively promised to appear in the Great Year 2025, at which time, and upon which memo, there, in giant glowing images, will suddenly appear a few scribbled words seen from your point of view, much in the way an on-screen ransom note would fill the screen long enough for you to read all the words before the action continued there, on a screen in a giant first run movie theater there indoors inside 42nd Street, at some point or other, or maybe several times during the early evening of September 1, 1939… a few words through which all the disambiguity of this giant movie will finally be revealed, that is to say in that on-screen ransom note, or more accurately, in the promised, premonitory memo.

That said, here are the promised quote marks:

“Transcript for first segment of 3: The Manhattan Projector [2] :


I'm in Japan.

I'm in Nagasaki.

Which is right over there.

I’m a detective.

And a UFO investigator.

I'm looking. For an invisible movie.

I don't know where it is. It might be there. It might be there. I think it's over there. It's over there. It might be there. Might be right where you are. Might be right there.

I'm looking for it.

And this is what I see.

I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO investigator. And I am looking for an invisible movie. The name of the movie is. I am looking for an invisible movie. And as you can see, I can see that I am not at the White Sands National Park and UFO monument. Or maybe I am.

But anyway, I am in Nagasaki, which of course is where I am. I guess I am in a UFO. For all the UFOs are traveling upon the latitude. The latitude connects here and there and connects there and here. You can go either way, but it isn't easy. And I am traveling up the latitude. And also I am walking. And the world is bigger than it seems.

Later that day. For it is day 21. Again and again I am at Suwa Shrine, a shrine at the top of a hill. At the top of 270 steps that go up the hill. And I am to the left of the shrine. And beneath this place, far below there are caves which are the remnants of the Nagasaki air defense system.

They are there. And I am flying. I am flying to Japan. It is day one. It is September 11th, 2023 and I am flying to Tokyo, which is north of Nagasaki and east or west of the sun. Depending on the time of day, for it is day one and I have arrived in Tokyo, for that is where I am.

And so up here we are in a train, traveling, in a very nice car, traveling, to Manchuria via Paris, New York, Tokyo, and Gavarnie. And so there's many exciting things that are happening here on the train. And so we'll see you soon. It is day one of the 26 day cycle. It is September 11th, 2023, which is the very first day one of the cycle.

From this day, the cycle repeats in both directions from east to west and west to east. That is, it would if time were on a compass, in which case you would have to account for north to south as well. And we do for the cycle of days, which repeats and creates a depth in the imaginary East to West and North to South of the dimensions in which it lives.

Whatever they are, wherever they are, whoever they are. And don't ask me why or how or in what order. For time is not a story. It is time, for it is time. Who tells the story? It talks about itself a lot, for time is our friend and it likes to spend time with us, for we are fellow travelers, time, and me, and also David Blair too.

And maybe you too, . Maybe we are in sympathy with each other. Anyway, I arrived by plane today, though I am not David Blair, but he also arrived, at least one of them did. But in other days and other times, we are traveling on a train from place to place on different days and on that train, and in those days, we pass through now, where we are together.

Right now, in this room, on this train or on a plane, or in a UFO. And we are in Tokyo. Let’s prove it. Let's read the map. The endless changing map of Tokyo as it exists here on day one of the 26 day cycle.

And then, just as suddenly. It is day two. The very next day. And I am still in Tokyo. It is the very next day. It is September 12th, 2023. Boom. And I am on a train in Tokyo. And I'm heading towards Manchuria. For I am traveling up and that is where I think I can find the invisible movie that I am looking for.

It is 7:06 p.m. on the 12th of September, in a movie that is being made there in the past or in the future, depending on when we get there. A movie known as the Telepathic Motion Picture of the Lost Tribes, for that is the movie that I am looking for. Who knows? And so I read the map in order to find it.

I mean the movie. I already have the map. I have taped it to the wall of the room. I am in this room and the room is in Tokyo, and it is also on a train heading to Manchuria, which is a violent Japanese colony in the northeast of China, which no longer exists. It ceased to exist on August 9th, 1945.

August 9th, 1945 was day one of the 26 day cycle. Today is September 11th, 2023, and it is not only day one of the cycle. It is also the first day one of the first cycle, which then counts in different directions. And now that I know this, I am searching. I am searching through the days that are about to exist in the cycle which I have just begun.

Today, September 11th, 2023. I am searching and to do this I am listening to the map on the wall. I am listening to the days inside the map on the wall. For as you already know, I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO investigator and I am looking for an invisible movie and this is what I see.

12:06 p.m. No, no. 12:07 p.m. on the 12th of September. So let me sing a song as I sing to you. The song. That's true. Though you can't hear it. I'm here in a room program is right now somewhere in Tokyo. I've been here since the first day of this cycle.

These are the first words of the days of the first cycle, which can forwards and backwards from here to, as I told you previously.

I'm in Nagasaki, and Nagasaki has a variety of hyperbolic spatial distortions, which begin with the fact that latitude runs back and forth there between Ground Zero, and the White Sands National UFO Monument and Historical Park just out there in Alamogordo, New Mexico, east to west, and also north to south.

The spatial distortion, evident in this latitude, is used by the the world to heal wounds, by folding itself back into the Nagasaki zone. I’ve already gone into that in our descriptions of Day 21 of the cycle.

But keep in mind that we are still in Nagasaki, just in sort of a fold of a bubble up north of ground zero, which is where Tokyo is for the entire world. And also as a miniature geographic form that has returned to appear on the surface of a bubble that surrounds Nagasaki, or something like that.

So I'm in Tokyo and I'm in Nagasaki. Or actually, I should say I'm in Nagasaki, and Tokyo is part of Nagasaki, and I've arrived there many times by plane.

By train. This train here that's heading off to Manchuria by boat. Maybe one of those black boats that came from America long ago to open up the country by submarine. Maybe an American submarine, or a North Korean submarine, or Japanese submarine. And of course, by UFO, as I've traveled a lot, re back and forth on the UFOs and also by car too.

I’m in a room. It's the beginning of the cycle, and I'm trying to figure out how can I find that movie, through all this travel, through all these days of times, of years of truth and light? How can I find that invisible movie that I'm looking for, a movie known as the Telepathic Motion Picture of the Lost Tribes, or in other worlds known as the Manhattan Projection, or the Manhattan Project, or known in other worlds or other movies with other names.

As I'm looking for an invisible movie, I decided that I would stake my claim on time here in this room. Let me explain to you how I did or did not do that using, of course, the radio, which is not radioactive because there aren't any actors in it. So let's find out why.

As a detective, I have many techniques and many different types of apparatus that I use in my investigations, which I use truthfully in my quest to protect the orderly public from the misapprehensions and bad intentions of the state. For I am an independent actor, having previously been dismissed from my official position as a result and payment for my own bad behavior within this domain.

I don't remember what I did. It must have been something during the last war, or the one before that, or the next one, I don't know, but nowadays I do good. I am a protector of the citizenry, or at least of those who pay, for you should pay for your crimes, as I have. But I don't know what I did, or where.

For as long as I can remember, or at least since the young evening of May 23rd, 1993, somewhere near or in a wall in a building on the island of Manhattan, on that stolen granite island so far away from here, now. Or maybe not. I think it is, but I also think it is far away. Anyway, since that evening at that wall and then through the wall, I have traveled, traveling elsewhere to everywhere else.

And in all that time, in that wall and in all the other walls, here and there and everywhere. I have been at work at this investigation in which, by using the recording methods of the detective and the thoughtful methods of the UFO investigator, I have been searching for an invisible movie.

And during this time, and in the accumulation of this time, like many an assiduous detective, and like many a thoughtful UFO investigator, I have collected an enormous amount of invisible but pertinent data, which is my evidence of the existence of the invisible movie that I am looking for, which, as I understand, was once made in Shinkyo, the capital city of the violent, narcotic fake state of Manchuria, via telepathic means, by the Manchu Edison Film Corporation of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

As I have previously mentioned again and again, and in all this time, amidst the repetitions which are now encoded into the cycles of days, in all the repeating cycles of the 26 days that loop through time, never completely repeating… in all this time, I have done this recording and collection of recordings in much the same way, and for many of the same reasons that the astronomers do their recordings.

Much like those noble scientists who strive to record and retell the state of the sky across time in order to assist us all in the search for all the missing planets and missing people and stolen cars and things like that. And for the UFOs too. There's lots of them, and we can't always find them, but eventually we do. And then we get in.


Thus we reach the end of the first segment of this movie, which is called 3: The Manhattan Projector [2] . There are many more sections which are available within this movie, but which have not been presented here, and so it is suggested you go watch this first section of this movie, and then go watch all the other sections of this movie, called 3: The Manhattan Projector [2] , and which is a science fiction movie made by science fiction means.

Then there are other movies, each of which are made of many segments. For instance, the next movie is called 4: I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [2] , and it is also directed by David Blair, who it appears, via documentary evidence, and within the direct meaning of words here provided for your temporal orientation, is the copyright owner of that movie and this movie and also of the words which I have spoken to you in order to answer questions that you did not know you had until you forgot the answers, as you already have.

losttribes/3en.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/21 09:31 by davidblair

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