\\ Below, somewhere between doubled quote marks split in two by the quote, you will find a complete quote of the copyrighted transcript of the first segment of this Movie, [2] I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [1]. Since this first segment of the movie can actually already be seen for free, the author scratched his left earlobe and squinted and after a few glorious moments of IP vagueness, then gave permission for it to be posted here, confused by the fact that the term Intellectual Property is similar to the term IP address, like which they say is a local private address on every machine that is connected to the internet, but, whatever. Anyway, this text is copyrighted 2024 by David Blair, and reposted here with permission, as I already said, but of course when it comes to copy and all that you are legally required to say everything twice in case there is an error in reception or in case you have used the wrong address or something and your message goes to someone you don’t know, or didn’t know, or couldn’t know, or to some recent machine that is a strange brain and is only standing around here at the doorbell listening because it is on a misinformed quest to find it’s great grandparents, who are lost, time traveling through this movie.\\ \\ If there are errors, that is because life does not known how to spell or to convert time into properly disambiguated punctuation. And also because of the spirals of time, which make it important for you to read and hear and see everything twice, so that you get the memo correctly. I don’t know who sent the memo, which has not yet arrived, but it is without doubt an abbreviated document or perhaps INVISIBLE MOVIE that somehow or other has pre-cognitively promised to appear in the Great Year 2025, at which time, and upon which memo, there, in giant glowing images, will suddenly appear a few scribbled words seen from your point of view, much in the way an on-screen ransom note would fill the screen long enough for you to read all the words before the action continued there, on a screen in a giant first run movie theater there indoors inside 42nd Street, at some point or other, or maybe several times during the early evening of September 1, 1939… a few words through which all the disambiguity of this giant movie will finally be revealed, that is to say in that on-screen ransom note, or more accurately, in the promised, premonitory memo.\\ \\ That said, here are the promised quote marks:\\ \\ “Transcript for first segment of [2] I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [1] : \\ \\ I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO investigator, and I am looking for an invisible movie. The name of the movie is The Telepathic Motion picture of the Lost Tribes. And this is what I see. And I want to ask, what do you see?\\ \\ I'm David Blair. I'm the figurehead of this movie. Or you might say of this whaling boat now floating off of the northern tip of Hokkaido, near Rishiri Island. But in the meantime, we're here. The name of this movie is: “I am looking for an invisible movie”.\\ \\ And so, in order to get started, I'd just like to remind you who, what, when, where, why, how, and in what order? Which begins like this.\\ \\ I'm in Japan.\\ \\ I'm in Nagasaki.\\ \\ I'm a detective. And a UFO investigator.\\ \\ And I'm looking.\\ \\ For an invisible movie.\\ \\ The name of the film or movie is The Telepathic Motion Picture of the Lost Tribes.\\ \\ And as I said, it's an invisible movie.\\ \\ And this is what I see. And I wonder, what do you see?\\ \\ I am in Japan.\\ I am in Nagasaki.\\ I'm a detective.\\ And I'm a UFO investigator.\\ And I'm looking. For an invisible movie.\\ \\ I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO investigator. And I am looking for an invisible movie. The name of the movie is the telepathic motion picture of the Lost Tribes. And this is what I see. And I want to ask, what do you see?\\ \\ I'm at the White Sands so I can see the white sands. That's in Alamogordo, New Mexico.\\ \\ I can see my rental car. It's a rental car. And it's a UFO. And so this is what I can see.\\ \\ I am in Japan.\\ I am in Nagasaki.\\ I'm a detective. And a UFO investigator. And I'm looking for an invisible movie.\\ \\ The name of the movie, which has no name and which cannot be seen, is the Lost Tribes. It's around here somewhere. I'm going to go look for it. There they are.\\ \\ I'm in Nagasaki.\\ \\ I'm a detective. And a UFO investigator.\\ \\ I'm looking. For an invisible movie.\\ \\ The name of the movie is the Lost Tribes. It's the movie of original Japan. It's around here somewhere. I think I can find it. Maybe it's going to come down from the sky.\\ \\ Somewhere. Somewhere over there. I think it is down along the vistas that travel down in that direction across the east. Or west. Excuse me. Or east? Or west. To Nagasaki. It's where I am.\\ \\ Here in Nagasaki. Right now.\\ \\ With everybody else. We're all here looking. Looking. I'm looking for an invisible movie.\\ \\ We might as well get going. We might as well get started, if that's what we're here to do.\\ \\ And if that’s how we're going to do it. \\ \\ There's ways.\\ \\ There's ways to do it. There's ways to find that movie. There are, even if it is invisible. I mean, anyway, I can't see it. Can you see it? Please tell me what you see. I don't see it, but I'm not too worried because there's ways to see it. That's because I'm a detective and a UFO investigator. And I'm here with that David Blair.\\ \\ There's lots of David Blair's. You can look him up on the internet. And me and them, we have equal skills. However, I don't have glasses. But I can see things. And I'm going to use my investigative skills for I am searching. I'm searching for an invisible movie. And this is what I see. What do you see?\\ \\ On.\\ The.\\ Face.\\ Of the money.\\ \\ Oh!\\ That's the sound the wind made that day. Whoo hoo!\\ Breathe in. Whoo!\\ \\ I'll tell you what day that was poretty soon. But for right now, I think the more pressing question is. Who I am. I'm David Blair. I used to be the only one on the internet, but now there's a lot of them. You can look them up and. I have a collaborator as a detective, and as a UFO investigator. She's got a name.\\ \\ It's an ancient name.\\ \\ Her name is Ella Spiralum, and she lives inside the thing here. I think it's her. I talk to her. You can talk to her, too. You tell her. Tell herwhat you see.\\ \\ And I'll tell her what I see. There. \\ \\ I'm in Japan.\\ I'm in Nagasaki.\\ I’m a detective.\\ And a UFO investigator. \\ And I'm looking for an invisible movie. \\ The name of the movie is The Telepathic Motion Picture of The Lost Tribes.\\ \\ And this is what I see.\\ \\ It is a well known fact that there are lots of UFOs in the air at the White Sands National Historical Monument, which, incidentally, is constructed from powdered gypsum, which is a mined, powdery material you can also find in the ground at Plaster City, near the wasted Salton Sea in the California desert, and also pressed up into flat wallboard that has been nailed to wood planks in order to make up the walls at the old Topaz Internment Camp up near Delta, Utah. They have new wallboard in the reconstruction in the museum, and I also found a triangle of old wallboard out in the desert at the site of the original camp itself. But before that, I was here on this day, which is today, and in the space of all repeating time, it is now February 16th, 2024.\\ \\ As I will soon explain, this is the third day of the repeating 26 day cycle in which I am looking for an invisible movie. And no, I am not that movie. And no, David Blair is not that movie. We are looking, just like you are, and except we can't see what we see and that is why we are looking.\\ \\ But anyway, wherever you are now, why are you looking, and where you are? What do you see?\\ \\ I can see the Hoover Dam. And I can also see inside the Hoover Dam. That's where the electricity comes from. The electricity is then distributed by irrigation channels that run across the land. The electricity is stored inside the tiny irrigation waters of the mighty Colorado River until it gets to us here. And then we use it. We use it here, wherever we are.\\ \\ We use it here, for that is where we are, here where we are at the White Sands National Historical UFO monument, where we have great need of this electricity.\\ \\ The wind is blowing 1000 mph. That is fast. That is because of the electricity in the Hoover Dam. Perhaps you will notice that when you say Hoover Dam, you say who that is because you are like the wind. You are the wind and I am the wind. And it is also because of the UFOs. And that is all because I am here at the Hoover Dam.\\ \\ As you can see. Can you see me? Can you hear the wind? Can you hear the Hoover Dam? The Hoover Dam is saying who the wind is saying who the electricity is saying WHO. That is because of the UFOs. Who are the UFOs and who are you? I am me. My name is very old. My name is Deja.\\ \\ My name is Ella. Spiralum. And I don't know why. I only know or what or where. For I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO researcher. And I am searching for an invisible movie. The name of the movie is the telepathic motion picture of the Lost Tribes. Soon I will tell you why.\\ \\ But for now, I am going to sleep. And so now it will be dark. It will be dark inside the electricity.\\ \\ Hello.\\ \\ Oh.\\ \\ Yeah.\\ \\ I am in Japan. I am in Nagasaki. I am a detective and a UFO investigator. And I am looking for an invisible movie. The name of the movie is the telepathic motion picture of the Lost Tribes. And this is what I see. And I want to ask, what do you see?\\ \\ \\ ——\\ \\ Thus we reach the end of the first segment of this movie, which is called [2] I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [1] . There are many more sections which are available within this movie, but which have not been presented here, and so it is suggested you go watch this first section of this movie, and then go watch all the other sections of this movie, called [2] I Am Looking For An Invisible Movie [1] , and which is a science fiction movie made by science fiction means. \\ \\ Then there are other movies, each of which are made of many segments. For instance, the next movie is called [3] The Manhattan Projector [2] , and it is also directed by David Blair, who it appears, via documentary evidence, and within the direct meaning of words here provided for your temporal orientation, is the copyright owner of that movie and this movie and also of the words which I have spoken to you in order to answer questions that you did not know you had until you forgot the answers, as you already have.\\ \\ \\ \\