The First Segment of each Volume is free to view, click through to see it. \\ [[]]\\ \\ There are 26+ 30:00 segments in each Volume.\\ The Trailer you see below presents this entire Volume at 30x speed\\ \\

Volume J from on Vimeo.

This is a Volume of The ENCYCLOPEDIA, all of whose Volumes we keep on a shelf in our office here in Nagasaki, and which together serve as a compendium of the results of our investigative research into the UFOs, which has taken the form of a series of instructional videos in various languages that we have prepared for the UFOs, in order to understand what it is that they see.\\ \\ Each Volume of the ENCYCLOPEDIA contains [approximately] 26 segments, each [perhaps] 26 minutes long. Each segment contains one or more continuing instructional videos, which in the main are presented through movietalking.\\ \\ In case you a first time viewer, I suggest starting with VOLUMES ABCD. And as for context, here is what I have to say: \\ I am in Japan.\\ I am in Nagasaki.\\ I am a detective.\\ And a UFO Investigator.\\ And I am looking for an Invisible Movie.\\ The name of the movie is THE TELEPATHIC MOTION PICTURE OF THE LOST TRIBES.\\ And this is what I see.\\ And I would like to ask you...\\ What do you see?\\ \\ [[]]\\ [[]]\\